Friday, July 3, 2009

Go Meat! Wooo! (Click on Me!)

Let me start by saying it's extremely important that you understand my sense of humor before you start reading my blogs... I'm tremendously silly. I can find humor in the craziest places, this is why I have started this blog out with a Hillshire Farm commercial. Just click the title and you should see what I'm talking about. I can't help but to laugh. That chick is just like me! I've also ended it with a cute, yet extremely cheesy video of kittens...
I have realized that my trip to Colombia has already begun and I haven't even left the states yet. During this small revelation of mine, I felt that it was only necessary for me to start blogging now. I also find the act of writing extremely cathartic. It feels nice to be able to see everything in writing.

I feel like this experience began the first day I read the e-mail that Pastor Mark sent out earlier this year. He was looking for someone who was interested in teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) in Colombia. I felt strangely drawn to it (partly because I'm half Colombian and I have never fully experienced that part of my life). So, after answering his e-mail and a lot of conversations and e-mails between many other people, I am on my way to Chicago this Monday for ESL training and an ELCA training. I'm very excited about what this trip holds for me. I'm really not sure of what I should expect.

I'm 25, and I do not feel like an adult. (Isn't that sad? Aren't I supposed to feel like an adult?) I think this is what experts call my quarterlife crisis. I'm very close to my family, especially my mother. Sadly I'll admit that I have never traveled anywhere by myself.... Okay, well I have traveled by myself, but someone I know or am related to has always been waiting for me on the other side. I don't have any problems meeting people or making friends, and I've put all of my faith in God that he will lead me through my anxiety with grace and dignity. Y'all don't want to see me freak out either, so y'all might want to pray for this too! :-)

I do have one question though. Let me preface this by saying that I do feel like this is what God wants me to do with my life. I feel at peace.... But was there supposed to be this huge revelation? Do people get huge revelations and this amazing emotional experience when they have "the call"? It wasn't like that for me. Was it supposed to be? I feel like referring to an old children's song I used to sing in Sunday school....."I've got the peace that passes understanding down in my heart! Where? Down in my heart! Where? Down in my heart today!" I'm not going to sing the rest for you because I'm sure you've gotten the idea by now.....

God Bless!

I can't even begin to tell you why this made me laugh. It made me smile so I hope that it does the same for you! (Oh, and don't forget my preface about how crazy my sense of humor is!)
