Saturday, October 9, 2010

I feel like Gustav Flaubert except I did not take 6 years to write this post

I have been debating on whether I should begin blogging once again. I have so much going on: school, work, gym and, occasionally, sleep. I kind of abruptly stopped my blogs from Colombia. My leaving was very abrupt. I think it was needed and appropriate, but now I have an aching in my soul for the country I fell so deeply in love with. The only way I know how to deal with this issue is to write for the sake of writing. It makes me feel good. I like to contribute something even if no one reads it. I am now going to use my blog for more than just a discussion about Colombia, but since I am starting anew, I feel the need to return to where things began and ended.

Oh yeah, and that dude above is Gustav Flaubert. I've been feeling a connection with him lately.

I mentioned earlier my longing for Colombia, but I do not feel as if I am giving an adequate description of what my true emotions are. I will make an attempt to explain this, though I do not think I will do a very good job.

I think that everyone has been through at least one really horrible break up in their lives. People call it a broken heart. But honestly, when I went through my first real "break-up" the pain was not inside of my heart. I could literally feel the pain behind my heart and between my ribs. Oh, how it lingered for months on end. I thought it would never go away. The yearning I had for this person seemed to have no end (It should be noted that I do not feel like this any longer). I personally do not feel like I am crazy (though some may argue this point), but I was very young and very much in love.

This is the only thing I know how to equate my longing for Colombia. I do not want to call it a bad break-up, but the torment feels just the same. It does not feel endless. It comes in spurts. Sometimes I wake up missing Colombia and I haven't the slightest clue why. Maybe it was a dream or something from my subconscious peeking out. Sometimes I will see a breathtaking landscape and that place behind my heart will begin to throb.

I know that the pangs occur mostly when I help customers who cannot speak English. I know how they feel. I can relate to that insecurity, to that fear, to that emptiness that is caused by the feelings of no one understanding a word you have to say. I have been in that persons place before. It is terrifying, exciting, and in an odd way determined. (I felt determined because I was going through all of these emotions and controlling them and acting like an adult all at the same time. I was doing something all on my own.)

Back to my customers; I love to see the look in their eye when I speak Spanish with them. They seem so shocked. I know that feeling! That connection with someone you have never even met! It meant the world to me when someone would attempt to speak English. I knew that person was trying hard to make me feel like a part of them, to make me feel like I belong.
I hope that I make them feel that way too. So many people barely say a word to them because they fear the language barrier. I revel in it. It reminds me of Colombia. It reminds me of a place where I felt I didn't belong, but realized, in the end, it was exactly where I was supposed to be.
My customers make me miss Colombia so often that I often feel like selling everything I own, packing up my cats (because I'm not leaving them behind), and moving back. This is when the ache lasts and hurts the most. I hope that my customers know how grateful I am for their willingness to interact with me. I think I am more grateful than they will ever truly realize.

I want to go back. The time honored excuse of having no money or time is the problem. I also refuse to leave my cats again. Where I go they go! I'm not so sure how they will feel about our move, but I can't leave without them J

I keep hoping that I won't feel the longing, and that each time will be the last. Deep inside I know that it won't be. I know I have not completely explained this emotion to you, but I think I've done the best that I can. I'm beginning to believe that the reason my ache keeps returning is because it's part of my soul that, mistakenly, I left behind. My ache is my body's way of saying that it needs it back. I pray that God will find a way for me to return so that I can at least retrieve that part of my soul, or maybe He wants me to leave a little more of it behind. I would not be surprised if that were the case because his sense of humor amazes me.


  1. keep writing. sometimes the best way to express yourself it is to lay it all out, take a step back and have a look.

  2. I know the heartache ur talking about. I recently had my first bad break up
